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storage data中文是什么意思

用"storage data"造句"storage data"怎么读"storage data" in a sentence


  • 存储数据


  • Maintain and update the storage data in computer system and ensure the correctness
  • Each address in this array gives the location of thread - local storage data
  • Storage data , carrier
  • The compute invention is a symbol that mankind began to storage data and manage data by the machine language
  • Event accessors are methods you define to allow event delegate instances to be added or removed from the storage data structure
  • ( 2 ) by establishing plc control net , we can collect and storage data with computer , for mathematics model analyzing
    ( 2 )建立plc控制网络,实现计算机自动采集和储存水质参数功能,为模型的分析建立提供充分的数据资源。
  • This chapter introduces one technique which based on encrypting the access of storage data , this can be done by coding the phase of reference beams by use of orthogonal - phase - code
    介绍了一种基于对接入加密数据通道进行加密的方法,即对参考光的相位进行正交相位编码; 4 .双随机相位编码加密光存储。
  • The main merit of enterprise archives management system is archives files which saved as computer storage data is convenient for long - time saving ? little space occupying and searches application convenience
  • The algorithm is based on the frequent pattern tree , which uses for reference a compressed storage data structure i . e . frequent pattern tree of fp _ growth algorithm . it mines frequent item sets with negative items through extending frequent patterns on the tree
    该算法借用fp _ growth算法中频繁模式树这种压缩存储事务的数据结构,通过频繁模式树进行模式扩展,挖掘含负项目的频繁项集。
  • It analyses windows2000 memory operation principle , adapts memory mapping and bus control technique , compiles drive program of storage data video image from pci collection card to scsi hd , accordingly develops high collection storage system
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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